Fruits Are All You Need


There's a popular saying that "you are what you eat"
The modern life style offers us processed-unhealthy foods, that are laced with sugar, preservatives, unhealthy fats and oils. This made it possible for related diseases like
Digestive Problems, among others.

Most Naturopaths believe that all diseases can be cured through a healthy diet. Fruit therapy is one of the healthy diet procedures so that the body's digestive and assimilating processes take a break and the body detoxifies itself.

It can take many forms: from a fruit-diet to supplementing your diet with raw fruit juices. One of the diets includes eating cooked and raw food in a 75 to 25 ratio.

Fruits are full of pure water, healthy sugars, vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibres. For example, papaya (Paw paw), Orange, lemon and pomegranates help decrease high blood pressure.Paw paw can be consumed every morning, while oranges and lemons can be taken as freshly squeezed juices. Similarly, apples, carrots, watermelons and lime are very good in preventing skin diseases.

A fruit-only diet will help your body rid itself off the toxins it has accumulated over time and help your body revitalize. You can observe this diet once a week, or once in a months

When undergoing fruit therapy, remember that all fruits should be fresh, and not over ripe. All juices must be freshly squeezed. Fruit juices, especially those with citrus in them, tend to oxidize quickly. (becomes acidic)

If you are buying your fruits from a market, remember to soak them in Luke-warm water for a while, or wash with a scent free soap, as the skin of many fruits are laced with harmful pesticides these days.

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