Weight Loss and Food Addiction

Food Addiction:  A Craving You Can’t Seem to Control

           You may overdose on french fries also known as potato chips or tortilla chips occasionally, but do you consider yourself to certainly be a food addict? Your response to this is important, as it could be the step to determining what strategy you need to eat in order to shed pounds. A variety of medical experts claim that food addiction is as serious as nicotine or cocaine addiction, and can potentially be in the same way deadly.

Fruits Are All You Need


There's a popular saying that "you are what you eat"
The modern life style offers us processed-unhealthy foods, that are laced with sugar, preservatives, unhealthy fats and oils. This made it possible for related diseases like
Digestive Problems, among others.


In the past century, almost for the most time in history, women living in the richer nations of developed world are under strong pressure to be slim or to lay off fat. The public perceptions encouraged by the media, particularly television that to be attractive, desirable and successful, a woman must be slim.

Investigations made by media in many countries shows that women of all ages, especially women under the age of 25 perceive their body to be larger than it really is.


Nap is a very important aspect of man's life. Some of us are becoming more and more sleep deprived, which may be as a result of our busy lifestyle.

But before we continue, what is Nap? According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, nap is a short sleep especially during the day.

Nap is the adjunct to the usual nocturnal sleep period, it means to be unaware of imminent danger or trouble, to be off guard. It can be regraded as siesta.